In 1980, Young Furniture was launched in a 5,000 square-foot mill building in Manchester, NH. In the beginning, many furniture items, such as desks, trestle tables, dry sinks, coffee tables and dressers, were our featured products made out of solid pine. In 1986, the business outgrew the old drafty mill building and land was purchased in nearby Bow. In the industrial section of town, a new modern 12,000 square-foot building, featuring radiant slab heat fired by a wood-burning boiler, was erected. With the careful planning of our talented craftsmen, the placement of equipment was selected and production was up and running. The items produced now included bathroom and kitchen cabinetry. As demand for solid quality custom cabinetry grew, another 4,000 square-foot addition was added to accommodate the in-house manufacturing of edge-glued panels. Shortly following was another addition of 14,000 square feet to total our now 30,000 square-foot home. Additional wood species such as poplar and maple have enhanced our product line, and we continue to evolve by adding more products to our already expansive cabinetry line. |